I now know the reason why a friend whom I fondly regard as a kitchen goddess is so fond of this restaurant, they serve really good Thai cuisine.
Comparing it with People's Palace in Greenbelt or the Azu Thai in Milky Way Arnaiz might not be appropriate since Mango Tree Bistro is essentially just a bistro which does not boast itself of a full quintessence of a fine dining restaurant.
It is the first Mango Tree franchise in Manila from the acclaimed Mango Tree restaurant chain founded by CEO and Chef Pitaya Phanphensophon who had his book "I'm Not A Chef" on sale for Php1,500 at the restaurant's receiving area. He has been operating several restaurants across the globe– Dubai, Macao,Tokyo, London, Kuching, Busan, and recently in Manila.
The restaurant's interior is a bit dark but a classy rendition of elegance, with lights not directly beaming against your sight, and the comfortable leather seats presenting a laid-back atmosphere. They even have a bottle of Merlot wine displayed each table, an intrinsic mark of what a bistro should be.

Nothing goes to waste if you order bestseller, and so I did. On my table are Phad Thai Goong(Php350 + 10% SC), a stir fried rice noodle with prawns and Phad Thai sauce, Moo Satay(Php250 + 10% SC), a pork satay served with peanut dipping sauce, Tub Tim Grub(Php150 + 10% SC), red ruby chestnut in coconut milk and ice cubes, and Kow Niew Ma Muang(Php150 + 10% SC), ripe fresh mango served with sticky rice.
Phad Thai is outstanding, no wonder why Michelle's hubby loves it so much. For the Tub Tim Grub, I was hoping that they'd put in a finer crushed ice in it since it is actually their version of Thai halo halo, or so I thought.
I am not really a Thai food affionado, I felt like they are culturally torn between the Chinese and middle eastern culture, so does their cuisine. But with Mango Tree Bistro, the dishes were exquisitely treated to serve taste bud of all races and reaches.