Saturday, March 7, 2015

Yakimix Prime at the Bonifacio Global City

It used to be one of the meaty conversations we had with my foodie friends whose day job varies from different sectors of profession and expertise. The question was: "what makes Yakimix Prime a prime." And several points of conjectures came floating into the equation of arguments. A marketing guru says because it is located at a prime location. An architect says because the establishment is meant to brandish an air of elitist preference. A restauranteur says it offers premium meat choices like Wagyu, CAB or USDA-grade meats. At an aggregate framing, their contexts are sound and may have some weights in the forging of this new concept. 

I have been casually eating at Yakimix(non-Prime, as I fondly call them) but never paid so much attention to prime beef. For a gourmand, they don't really matter, but rather a wide array of choices. 

So let's open up the curtains and see what are staged for us by Yakimix Prime. Note that during the time of my dining, it was a week day lunch. I have to be specific about it because week days and week ends might have different choices, as much as lunch and dinner does. 

Overall, the experience is almost as similar to other Yakimix branches. It came to mind that a "prime" is simply an anti-thesis to "niu", which is also located along the proximity. 

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