Saturday, August 30, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Camera: An Android-powered digital camera

As smartphones gradually becoming like cameras, it's inevitable too that in some point of space-time continuum, cameras will also become like smartphones. And here's the one to that stint. 

A paragon of innovation, Samsung has once again unveiled its latest offering in the world of shutter sphere, the Samsung Galaxy Camera. It's debut make people ecstatic on its capability for having a real camera sensor, a large 16.3 megapixel monster paired with a killer 21x zoom lens. 

Armed with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean mobile OS, one already is hinted an idea that it can do not just "shutterbugging" but it can immediately share and send pictures through its 3G and wifi implementation. But let's see what else on its sleeve:

For a started it comes with two batteries for a really quick draw whenever you are in the middle of a shooting mode. An 8GB internal memory is supplemented by an expandable microSDHC option. 

ISO sensitivity in full resolution includes auto, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 and 3200. Filters that one may enjoy using has auto, daylight, cloudy, fluorescent H/L, tungsten, and custom. Recording modes that you can choose are Smart Auto, Program, Aprture Priority, Shutter Priority, Manual, Casual(Beauty face, Best face, Continuous shot, Fireworks, Landscape, Night, Panorama, Sunset, Macro), Smart Pro(Action freeze, Light trace, Rich tone, Silhouette, Waterfall) and Movie. 

The 4.8inch touchscreen LCD is handy enough for you to tinker around its camera application. Although in most situations, Smart Auto is a default choice to many, there are also two specialty modes that you can choose. One, named Casual, has a few common sense mode for portraits and landscapes with innovative extras(e.g., Best face lets you take group shots, firing off five frames, then you the best faces for everyone in the shot). The other, Smart Pro, essentially translates shooting concepts into P&S mode without sweating for the best configuration since it's already preset(e.g., Light Trace, Action Freeze). 

And the reason why one should get an Android camera is the ability to readily share the pictures via a plethora of applications installed like Paper Camera, Camera Zoom FX, Pro HDR Camera, Fast Burst Camera, Instagram, Cymera, Little Photo, Retro Camera, Vignette, and everyone's favorite, Camera360. 

Overall, it's a pretty decent camera device but those who are thinking of buying something that has a compact megazoom with wireless feature, may also want to consider Sony Cybershot DSC-HX30V or the Samsung WB850F or better yet, just use an Eye-Fi SD Card. 

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