Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mobile Conveniences

I have just been a Globe Postpaid "return customer" last October. That being said means that I am sporting a new number. That also means that I am putting another set of bills to an already avalanche of bills that my pocket has been bludgeoning with, magazine subscriptions mostly. Not counting other forthcomings like gym membership and all.

The last time I had my Globe line was during 1999, when analog phones rule the world and when Nokia 5110 has its peak of notoriety, a barometer of celebrated stature. 

Back then, I think Globe just started charging the SMS sending. So my entry into the mobile market is a bit late than most technology-assimilated folks. 

What made me return back to Globe Pospaid are reinforced into two reasons:

1) Globe Super Surf is offered with a compelling discount so huge that I didn't have a chance to banter my rebuttals. Thank to my friend who works as a Business Development Officer of Globe(name witheld). 

Though I already have a SmartBro since December of last year, having two broadband internet options is not only a necessary commodity but a convenient flexibility. 

Plus, who would ever say No to the fact that Globe Visibility users will be capped 5GB per monty of usage. Although I am not a Peer-t-Peer freak in the form of download engines like BitTorrent, I am definely a Youtube Baby, and I succumb to most of the Youtube content especially Karen Carpenters music videos to lull me to sleep. 

One classic example of flexibility is being able to juggle business proposal and blog entries while in a bar with some friends and clients. The picture on the left is taken at one of the bars within El Pueblo area in Ortigas.(Sorry, phone camera is a crap but was lucky enough to take this pic when the crowd is still absent to swarm the bar area). 

2) My trip to India will possibly culminate anytime soon as I get all the portfolio of services, business blueprint, and feasibility proposals ready. Yes, I will be going to Bangalore for just a stint of around 3-4days and I badly need roaming services to keep me connected to my company here. This would purely be a business trip that I don't even have a chance to see the Taj Mahal.

I couldn't say much about India except for the fact that it is where most epicenters of technology-driven businesses converge. 

I might just as well cross the bridge when I get there.  

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